Star Blanket
Star blanket is an interactive blanket for children that allows them to go to sleep in a proper way. Right before the sleeping, in a mobile app parents set the time when the lighting will turn off and children can feel safe.
Star blanket is an interactive blanket for children that allows them to go to sleep in a proper way. Right before the sleeping, in a mobile app parents set the time when the lighting will turn off and children can feel safe.
Cozy Cell is a modular mobile charging station is a place where anyone can charge mobile applications, with little or no supervision. Each cell is separate, but multiple cells are stacked together easily. Such cells can be located in space with limited access – at meeting rooms, hotel rooms, bars etc.
3A Electronics is a team of furious electroengineers advancing their skills by participating in projects, like crane automatics, electrodrive control etc. 3A Electronics is currently developing small wind turbine control system, which allows us to increase the efficiency of wind turbine up to 10 %. Our control system can be embedded in any other already existing wind turbine to increase its efficiency.
SolarDot is a solar mobile device charging station is a very convenient way to charge any mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, etc. using solar energy. They can be placed anywhere outside (parks, beaches, squares etc.). The clients are mostly municipalities interested in development of environment in the cities where the visitors can charge their mobile devices in urgent situations.
Gym Technologies is an IT solution for gyms and fitness clubs. The solution allows the clients to follow their trainings by using an app and ID card. As a result the trainers and trainees can see their workouts in an app and analyze them in an efficient way.